❖ IMARC社の概要
The International Market Analysis Research and Consulting Group (IMARC Group) is a leading advisor on management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARC’s information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders across all major industries. We combine a unique blend of research and consulting capabilities, geographical reach, and domain expertise that cannot be matched by our rivals. Our focus is on providing knowledge and solutions throughout the entire value chain of the industries we serve. IMARC’s tailored approach combines unfathomable insights into the dynamics of companies and markets with close cooperation at all levels of the client organization. This ensures that our clients achieve an unmatchable competitive advantage, build more proficient organizations, and secure lasting results.
Data can provide you with some insights, but without the right questions, the right processes and the right technology, it often does not lead to the desired outcome – which ultimately represents the difference between success and failure. At IMARC, we provide sector-specific research and consulting solutions that can achieve superior results and provide our customers with a significant advantage in competitive markets. Get in touch with us today to know how IMARC can help you enhance your business performance, enabling you to become stronger, faster, and more productive.
When it comes to analyzing markets, the only constant is change. This change can create both opportunities and challenges. On numerous occasions, it is both, and it is essential for market leaders to know when, where and how to respond. IMARC gathers and analyzes information and data across 14 major B2B verticals to deliver business intelligence that helps our partners to detect market disruptions, identify opportunities and outperform their rivals. In over a decade of operations, IMARC has assembled a global team of highly skilled domain experts with the right blend of enterprise and consulting experience to provide our partners with the knowledge, approach, and outcomes only an industry veteran can provide.
At IMARC, we believe that relationships with our customers are above everything else. Our global team of 300+ experts works 24*7 to ensure that we deliver extraordinary results every single time and ensure that our customers achieve their goals. Our expertise in unexplored markets has been trusted by 2000+ clients across Asia, North America, South America, Europe, Australia and Africa.
❖ IMARC社の人気レポート
- 試料調製の世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 大麻試験の世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- ペット糖尿病ケアの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 合成ダイヤモンドの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 生体吸収性ステントの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 自動車用ワイヤーハーネスの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- ファイバレーザの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- フレキシブルパイプの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 風力タービン用ローターブレードの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- COPD&喘息用デバイスの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- コンバインハーベスターの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 組換えタンパク質の世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- プロパントの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 代替甘味料の世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- クリームクリーナーの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 手工具の世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- キルンシェルスキャナーの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- mRNAワクチン&治療薬の世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 抗菌ガラスの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 不飽和ポリエステル樹脂の世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 防爆型モバイル通信デバイスの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 3D ICの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 車両レンタルの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- フレーバー&フレグランスの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測
- 治療用ワクチンの世界市場:動向・シェア・規模・予測