・株式会社マーケットリサーチセンターはGlobal Info Research社の日本の正規販売代理店です。
・Global Info Researchが発行したすべてのレポートを取扱可能です。
❖ Global Info Research(グローバルインフォリサーチ)社の概要
Global Info Research is a report publisher, a customer, interest-based suppliers. Is in the best interests of our clients, they determine our every move. At the same time, we have great respect for the views of customers. With the improvement of the quality of our research, we develop custom interdisciplinary and comprehensive solution. For further development, we will do better and better. Global Info Research will with excellent professional knowledge and experience to carry out all aspects of our business. At the same time, we will thoroughly look for information, to give a more comprehensive development.
Global Info Research has more than 40000 global well-known customers, covering more than 30 industries, research regions cover China,Japan,Korea,US,EU,Asia,Middle East and Africa,South America,Australia,etc
We offer over 1.5 million research resources, empowering our clients to make smart business decisions.
Focusing on customized research, management consulting,IPO consulting,industry chain research, data base & top industries services as well.
The company owns large basic databases (such as National Bureau of Statistics Datbase, Customs import and Export Database, Industry Association Database, etc.), Expert resources (including industry experts who own more than 10 years experiences on marketing or R&D in dustries of energy, automotive, chemicals, medical ICT consumer goods, etc.).
Global Info Research adheres to the concept of customer first, according to the actual business needs of customers, customized services to provide rapid optimization, quality service experience.Business covering energy, automobile, medicine industry and so on more than 365+ industry.
Global Info Research’s survey team delivers powerful insights to help you better understand current consumer preferences, identify emerging trends and pinpoint marketing and product development opportunities in markets around the world.
Global Info Research has a team of industry analysts, domain experts, and consultants; we provide data covering following aspects:
• Market Overview
• Market Competition
• Production, Revenue, Supply, Consumption, Export, Import
• Price Trend
• Market Analysis by Applications
• Manufacturers Profiles/Analysis
• Manufacturing Cost Analysis
• Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers
• Marketing Strategy Analysis
• Distributors/Traders
• Market Effect Factors Analysis
• Market Forecast
Global Info Research report has a specific report for specific areas, include detailed regional information for the following:
• Global(Upgraded Version)
• Global(Normal Version)
• Asia
• Europe
• North America
• United States
❖ Global Info Research(グローバルインフォリサーチ)社の人気レポート
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- 車輪式パイプ内検査ロボットの世界市場2024:メーカー別、地域別、タイプ・用途別
- 乾式造粒機械・装置の世界市場2024:メーカー別、地域別、タイプ・用途別
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- IGBT及びスーパージャンクションMOSFETのグローバル市場2022年
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- ポラリメーターの世界市場2024:メーカー別、地域別、タイプ・用途別
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